During the Digimon Con 2022 stream on February 26, 2022, Digimon Survive Producer Kazumasa Habu revealed more details about the Digimon Survive story. To be more precise, he talked about how the series’ lore will tie into the themes and story of it. He also offered a warning about the game’s subject matter.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth focused on Digimon appearing in the human world. However, according to Habu, there remained a discrepancy between the concept of the digital world and the nature of Digimon. To correct this, the Survive story will depict Digimon as ethereal life forms from another world. They are “fragments of souls that have been transformed into digital monsters” because modern technology can recognize their existence. Hiroyuki Kakudo, who worked on the original Digimon Adventure, is the person who told Habu this piece of lore.
Because the target audience of Digimon Survive will be adults, Habu noted the story can have darker twists. For example, your friends in the game can actually die. Habu will also use the “Digimon are the other half of a human’s soul” concept to explore darker themes. An example Habu gave during the stream is that hurting your Digimon is a form of self-harm. He advised that players who are sensitive about these topics will need to be careful when playing.
Digimon Survive is in development. It will come out on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. There is no official release date yet but it is expected to come out in 2022.
Published: Feb 26, 2022 09:15 pm