With the release of the new Dragon Ball Daima anime series approaching, Shueisha and Toei Animation announced that Tooru Furuya, the Japanese voice actor for Yamcha, will step down from his role. Ryota Suzuki will replace the veteran voice actor as the new voice for Yamcha.
Ryota Suzuki is a young Japanese voice actor known for his role as Yu Ishigami in the original Japanese dub of Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Asclepius in the mobile game Fate/Grand Order, Junichi and Keisuke Wanima in the blue Blue Lock anime adaptation, and most recently as Prince Moriyoshi in The Elusive Samurai.
While no reason was given for the change in voice actor for Yamcha in Dragon Ball Daima, it is likely linked to Tooru Furuya’s recent adultery, assault, and forced abortion scandal. The veteran actor already had to be recast in the upcoming Metaphor: ReFantazio for an undisclosed role, and Miyu Irino recently took over as Sabo in One Piece, a role previously held by Furuya.
Dragon Ball Daima will begin airing in Japan on October 11, 2024, and it will be streaming on Crunchyroll. Other Dragon Ball anime adaptations and movies are available on Crunchyroll, and Viz Media handles the manga outside Japan.
Published: Oct 4, 2024 02:00 pm