39 Days to Mars promises to take players on a Steampunk trip to the stars, having them co-operatively pilot the HMS fearful through space.
Two players are required to keep the HMS Fearful running, with both players having to complete task at the same time to keep the ship afloat. Players who don’t have a co-op buddy can have an AI take control of one of the characters, though, having them help with the complicated machinery in the ship.
The journeys of 39 Days to Mars offer action as well as puzzles, and will provide a short experience that “fits comfortably into an evening.”
Players looking to help Sir Albert Wickes and The Right Honourable Clarence Baxter with their 19th-century galactic journey will be able to do so when 39 Days to Mars releases some time this year.
Published: Feb 16, 2017 02:00 pm