AIBO Lives, Sony’s Robot Dog Is In Tokyo Jungle

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Tokyo Jungle, an upcoming PlayStation 3 game from the PlayStation C.A.M.P. team, takes place in the future where the bustling metropolis is only populated by animals… and robot dogs. Sony’s defunct pet AIBO found its way into Tokyo Jungle as one of the "animals."




Players will find a couple of AIBO models in Tokyo Jungle


erc_003 erc_2000 erc_x


…along with other extinct creatures like dilophosaurus and a saber-toothed feline. Meganeura (kind of like an ancient dragonfly) and the winged raptor are two more neat animals players will find in Tokyo Jungle.


dilophosaurus saber_tiger


"Peking Man" or Homo erectus pekinensis and the office worker are in Tokyo Jungle too. I wonder which one AIBO likes more…


homo_erectus_pekinensis office_worker micro_raptormeganeura



From AIBO to zebra, here are a bunch of other animals in Tokyo Jungle. Tokyo Jungle comes out on June 7 in Japan.


alley Cat axis deer beagle beagle_b bear blackbuck boss Cat Buffalo cheetah chick chicken chimpanzee chimpanzee_b crocodile crow dear deinonychus golden_retriever elephant gazelle giant_moa giraffe goat hato hippopotamus holstein  horse_a horse_b horse_c horse_d horse_l horse_l2 hyena hyena_leader red_crowned_crane salmon sheep jackal kangaroo kangaroo_baby leopard lion lion_child lion_enemy lion_enemy_boss lion_f lycaon mammoth ostrich panda pig pomeranian_a pomeranian_b porcupine pteranodon rabbit tiger tosaken_a tosaken_b wild_boar wolf yokozuna_l zebra


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