Balance Board Mode Adds Hip Shaking To Dance Dance Revolution

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Before fitness games were all the rage, Konami released almost a dozen Dance Dance Revolution games with workout modes. The latest iteration for Wii, simply called Dance Dance Revolution, takes this in a new direction.


Playing Dance Dance Revolution with the balance board isn’t like dancing at all. It’s all about leaning. When you see a left arrow you shift your weight to the left. An up arrow means tilt forward and a right arrow means lean right. The balance board mode also has players punch with the remote and nunchuck while the game tracks how many kilogram calories you burn.


Hip rotating replaces freeze arrows. When you see one of these sections you have to rotate your hips as if you were gyrating an invisible hula hoop.


I appreciate that Konami is evolving the Dance Dance Revolution series, but won’t players lose more pounds by stepping instead of leaning?

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