baldurs gate dark alliance ps4 switch xbox one

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance Updated Ports Debut This Week

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is heading to new platforms, as PS4, Switch, and Xbox One versions are on the way. It will cost $29.99/£29.99/€29.99 and only be available via digital storefronts. 

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The reveal went over some of the updates people can expect. This is essentially an updated port of the original action-RPG. The native versions are available for the PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. However, if someone is playing on an upgraded or newr system like a PS4 Pro or PS5, then it will support 4K resolutions. Aside from that, it is otherwise the same game with Adrianna the sorceress, Kromlech the fighter, and Vahn the archer returning to fight enemies and dealing with threats to Baldur’s Gate.

As this is a game where multiplayer is important, the announcement went over how co-op will work. People will be able to play with others locally on consoles. Up to two people can join in.

Here’s a trailer showing how Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance will look on systems like the PS4, Xbox One, and Switch.

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance will show up on the PS4, Switch, and Xbox One on May 7, 2021. The Android, Apple iOS, and PC versions will show up in 2021 as well. The game originally appeared on the Game Boy Advance, GameCube, PS2, and Xbox. Baldur’s Gate 3 is currently in early access on PCs and Google Stadia.

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Image of Jenni Lada
Jenni Lada
Jenni is Editor-in-Chief at Siliconera and has been playing games since getting access to her parents' Intellivision as a toddler. She continues to play on every possible platform and loves all of the systems she owns. (These include a PS4, Switch, Xbox One, WonderSwan Color and even a Vectrex!) You may have also seen her work at GamerTell, Cheat Code Central, Michibiku and PlayStation LifeStyle.