The latest issue of Nintendo Power magazine brings more details on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate, and Nintendo Everything have summarized the information on their website. For starters, according to Nintendo Power’s report, Mirror of Fate came about as a result of players who said that Lords of Shadow should have had more of an emphasis on exploration.
Mirror of Fate will take place mostly inside Dracula’s castle, but you’ll also get to go through some of the surrounding forests and underground caves. The game’s environments will see changes over time and you won’t be re-treading old ground with each of the four characters. This goes with what we were told about Mirror of Fate not being a “Metroidvania,” and being inspired by Castlevania III instead.
There will be secrets and hidden areas in Mirror of Fate, however, and more of a focus on platforming as well. You’ll be able to do wall-jumps in the game and MercurySteam also created a “safe fall” ability that lets you use your weapon to break your fall during a steep descent.
Executive producer, Dave Cox, says he feels that Mirror of Fate will be a “deeper” experience than the Castlevania games on the Nintendo DS. Different weapons will be effective on different enemies, and you’ll be able to look up their weaknesses and strengths in an in-game beastiary accessed through the Nintendo 3DS touch screen. Differences in the game’s four playable characters—Trevor, Simon and Alucard have been confirmed so far—will be a result of their upbringing and this will be explained in the game’s story.
As far as character personalities go, Trevor will be calm and collected in temperament like Gabriel. Simon, on the other hand, is the complete opposite, prone to becoming angry, and is an aggressive fighter. Not details on Alucard were mentioned.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate will be released this fall.
Published: Jun 27, 2012 12:30 pm