Shonen Jump run manga and Madhouse developed anime series, Claymore, is coming to the DS next year. In the game players control Clare, the main character of the series, and slay ghastly monsters known as yoma. Clare has the power to sense yoma which is implemented into the Nintendo DS game as enemy radar on the bottom screen. Seems kind of pointless since Claymore is a 2D side scroller.
Looks like it might be a beat ’em up with talking head cutscenes too. Right now the only screenshots we have are of Clare crushing yoma. More details should be revealed at this December’s Jump Fiesta since the game will be at the show. After that Claymore is still on the horizon since it isn’t scheduled to come out until spring 2009.
Digital Works Entertainment is acting as the developer and publisher. The latter of which is a first for the company. Other games Digital Works contributed to include Eternal Sonata where they did modeling stuff and a bunch of mobile phone games.
Images courtesy of Digital Works Entertainment.
Published: Dec 12, 2008 09:04 am