Compile Heart shared the latest trailer for their upcoming PS4 action RPG, Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune, featuring Neptune and gang taking on a dungeon and boss fight.
The video starts out with a look at some gameplay footage showing off the action RPG battles while Neptune has a little chat with Vert while it is playing. The idea here is that they, together with Noire and Blanc, are “watching” the footage along with the viewers.
At the 1:10 mark, they fast-forward to an area that looks like a cave-type dungeon, a little different from what we’ve seen in footage thus far. In this area, you’ll find various skeleton monsters and more. Noire points out that the game seems pretty heavy on the action elements and after Blanc expresses her concern about being able to properly hit enemies, Vert reassures that you won’t have any trouble by simply locking onto enemies.
They then talk about special skills, or the “Awakening” system, which you can read all about in full detail in our earlier report. As shown in the footage, you’ll find all kinds of items and treasure in the dungeons. In addition to finding nice loot, even the simplest items can help you save money instead of buying them at the store.
At 2:43 we get to see what looks like a boss fight. It’s important to keep attacking the boss to deal damage, but equally as important to support party members with healing abilities and to protect yourself using guard when possible. There’s also a step command to evade attacks, which can be followed up with some more hits.
Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune releases in Japan on February 9, 2017 for PlayStation 4.
Published: Jan 26, 2017 06:00 am