D.Va, Roadhog, and Ana fall victim to some pretty major nerfs (or “fix” in Hog’s case) in the latest adjustments in Overwatch’s Public Test Region. Here are details on the changes the three will see.
Here’s the info from the Public Test Region’s latest notes on Patch 1.7.0
- Biotic Grenade
- Healing boost on allies has been decreased by 50%
Developer Comments: The healing boost from Ana’s Biotic Grenade was providing too much healing, especially when used on targets with large health pools.
- Health increased from 200 to 400
- Armor decreased from 400 to 200
- Fusion Cannons
- Bullet damage decreased from 3 to 2
- Number of bullets per shot has been increased from 8 to 11
Developer Comments: D.Va’s armor often made her feel like she had no weaknesses, even against heroes that are often effective against bigger targets (like Reaper). The changes to her Fusion Cannons will result in a small overall decrease in damage, but they should feel more consistent now.
- Chain Hook
- Targets are now pulled directly in front of Roadhog (rather than straight to him), except in cases where Roadhog drastically rotates
- Hooked targets are now released if they leave Roadhog’s line-of-sight before being pulled
- Line-of-sight checks (which detect if targets should be initially hit by the hook) are now done from Roadhog’s position, rather than the hook’s position
Developer Comments: The hook should now feel more consistent for Roadhog players, but it should also feel more reasonable to his enemies, as they cannot be hooked or pulled around corners anymore.
Ana’s nerf is the smallest of the three, but this change definitely affects her ability to be one of the better solo-healers, especially with a triple-tank composition. As for Roadhog, we’ll call it a “fix” because it’s something Blizzard has addressed in the past and discussed on several occasions. For D.Va, on the other hand, this is a huge nerf because not only did they cut down her overall damage output, but also her survivability that makes her flourish.
Again, keep in mind that these changes aren’t final, as Blizzard will observe and monitor changes over at the PTR before bringing it over to the regular servers, which usually ends up seeing little to no change, so this should at least give you a good idea on how Ana, D.Va, and Roadhog will play in the future.
Overwatch is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Published: Jan 6, 2017 08:30 am