Dead or Alive 5 Plus on the PlayStation Vita has new features like a Touch Play mode and a Training Plus mode. In Touch Play mode, you can hold your Vita vertically and you get a first-person view of your opponent. This mode also changes how you fight.
There are two modes in Touch Play mode. In Mode 1, you tap your opponent to attack them in that spot. In Mode 2, you can touch, flick and pinch your opponent for more attack options.
Meanwhile, Training Plus mode lets you build up your skills and knowledge of the game by playing through various training missions. Finally, Dead or Alive 5 Plus will also have more detailed frame data. Team Ninja are adding additional information like delay interval frames, move reach and more to the game.
Dead or Alive 5 Plus will be released on March 19th, 2013 in North America. You’ll be able to battle against Dead or Alive 5 players on the PlayStation 3, as well as share costumes across both the PS3 and Vita versions of the game.
Published: Dec 20, 2012 10:06 am