We’ve been mentioning downloadable Disgaea 3 characters on Siliconera for months now and at last NIS America comes through with the first pack. Adell, Rozalin, and the Nekomata monster can be yours for $4.99 or purchased separately for $1.99/$1.99/99 cents respectively (thanks for the tip Volcynika!!).
Interestingly, the characters available on the PlayStation Store differ from the press release NIS America sent us. Pram, Zetta, Hanako, and Taro aren’t for sale yet so perhaps we’re getting them in the future. On further inspection Souichirou, a character from the Japan only logic questioning horror series Hayarigami, isn’t on that list either. In Japan Souichirou came out the same month as Hanako and Taro which makes me wonder if we’re getting him or not. Since Souichiro isn’t recognizable here I don’t think anyone except the most diehard NIS fans will miss him.
Peer into the future and see what other cameo characters Japan already has.
Captain Gordon – Jennifer – Thursday
Soul Nomad Heroine – Gig – Dragon – Hero Prinny
Kurtis – Prinny Kurtis – Mid Boss – Plenair
Images courtesy of NIS America.
Published: Dec 24, 2008 06:39 am