Dragalia Lost has revealed its next two events and a new Summon Showcase. The Accursed Archives Facility Event will return and run between October 31-November 12, 2019. It will be accompanied by the new Stirring Shadows Story Event and the first part of the Stirring Shadows Summon Showcase, which will be active during the same time period.
In Dragalia Lost story events, people earn items for going through campaign quests and events. These can then be used to unlock stories. The Stirring Shadows storyline involves the new adventurer, Lathna, and her disappearance. Euden and his group head to The Immortal Village to search for her and find out what is going on.
The Stirring Shadows Summon Showcase video points out two featured characters. One is a returning dragon, Nyarlathotep, who originally appeared in the Accursed Archives Summon Showcase. The other is the five-star, dark element Lathna, who is a lance-wielder. She’s unique, due to one of her abilities. Her The Faceless God skill always causes her to shapeshift into an entirely white Nyarlathotep dragon. (She also has a Dragon Time +20% skill, to help boost the amount of time she spends transformed, and her The Faceless God II skill has a 20 second HP regen buff.)
Here’s a video looking at Dragalia Lost’s The Stirring Shadows Summon Showcase.
Dragalia Lost is available for Android and Apple iOS devices.
Published: Oct 30, 2019 09:00 am