Lu Bu’s daughter, Lu Lingqi, will be making her first appearance as a playable character in Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends, and while she’s never appeared in a Dynasty Warriors game before, her debut is rather stylish.
Lu Lingqi uses two cross-halberds in the game that she can swing separately in each hand, or combine to use as a giant shuriken, which can either be used for melee combat or thrown at enemies. You can watch a gameplay clip of her above.
Meanwhile, Zhu Ran—also making his playable debut here from what I can tell—is a little bit more straightforward with his bow-and-arrow, although that doesn’t stop him from using it in interesting ways, like firing arrows in mid-air. You can watch a clip his moves above this paragraph.
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends will be released for PlayStation 3 and Vita this week, on November 28th.
Published: Nov 25, 2013 10:00 am