Enthusiast Gaming Live Expo 2020 has been dated. Between October 16-18, 2020, people will be able to head to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for EGLX 2020’s events. EGLX is a gaming convention with tournaments, panels, and booths with both some AAA and indie developers and publishers appearing to show off upcoming titles.
EGLX 2019 was held October 18-20th. There were events like a Nintendo Switch Challenge and a Watch Dogs: Legion demo and panel. Microsoft, Nintendo, and Ubisoft appeared as exhibitors. It also held the EGLX 2019: Rising Stars Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament, which saw Hungrybox wining first place in Singles and Hungrybox and Mew2King winning first in Doubles. There were also typical con activities like an artist alley, cosplay lounge, free play space, panel, and vendor hall.
EGLX 2020 will be held October 16-18, 2020 in Toronto, Ontario. Tickets will eventually be available via the official website.
Published: Jan 20, 2020 09:00 am