Once people make it through Fire Emblem Heroes’ nine chapters, it’s all about making your summoned characters the best fighters that can be. That means earning enough experience to reach level 20 with lower star characters or level 40 with five star characters and collecting enough SP to earn additional skills for characters. While there is a Training Tower for leveling purposes, the Arena is the best place to go for improving your party.
The Arena implementation is very simple. Your active party acts as your defenders for random battles, while you can choose which group of four you use when heading out to fight. Seasons last a week, giving you a chance to earn points. More points come from winning seven fights in a row, as well as from having certain people in your party. When the season is up, the points you earn are turned into feathers. Monthly quests can give more feathers or rewards for participating in a specific number of Arena battles within a certain amount of time. And, of course, you earn experience for competing in matches with characters around or above your characters’ levels.
The key is to use the Arena battles to always put the best of the best forward. The problem with the Training Tower is that the level for certain floors varies from encounter to encounter, so you might not find people at the right level to actually give all of your characters experience. Fire Emblem Heroes’ Arena does a much better job of pairing you up with opponents that will give you the points you crave. You will always have three options available to you, filled with people around your current tier. You have an idea of their levels based on the beginner, intermediate, and advanced tags assigned to them. I’ve found the game is rather good at matchmaking. Now that my party ranges between level 25-31, I’ve found the intermediate tier always provides a sufficient challenge, while advanced can be a little too difficult to keep up a lengthy chain.
Speaking of the challenge, I’ve found the Arena matches in Fire Emblem Heroes can offer fights that are more challenging and swift. I mean, you’re facing people who have done their best to put together balanced teams for their primary parties. I haven’t noticed that same hesitation here as in the Training Tower, where opposing units won’t advance until you move within range. The Training Tower matches can often feel a bit random, while the Arena forces you to be at your best due to others’ compositions.
Especially since other players get sneaky. I’ve noticed people hiding away their best units. When you see the potential opponents screen, only the first character in their party’s icon will be there. I can’t tell you how many groups with a surprise Lyn, Takumi, or Tiki has appeared. Though, I’m just as guilty of the same act. My Takumi, who is currently my highest level unit, is waiting in the wings whenever someone selects my name. You have to get points any way you can.
When you play Fire Emblem Heroes, there are plenty of ways to better your party. You have tons of options ahead of you. The Arena is one of the best ways to consistently work toward greater heights. After all, it can give you the experience, feathers, and challenge you crave. Keep doing your best and shooting for higher tiers.
Fire Emblem Heroes is available for Apple iOS and Android devices.
Published: Feb 14, 2017 12:00 pm