Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends: Round 4 Halftime Results

Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends: Round 4 Halftime Results Led by Three Houses

This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

Fire Emblem Heroes recently kicked off its Choose Your Legends: Round 4 and we have an update with halftime results.

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Check out the current top-20 leading Heroes and Heroines for Fire Emblem Heroes’ Choose Your Legends: Round 4 below:

Halftime Results – Heroes

Halftime Results – Heroines


If voting were to end today, Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ Dimitri and Claude would be your top-2 Heroes. Fire Emblem: Three Houses currently represent the top-4 with the current #1 and #2 Heroines being Edelgard and Lysithea.

You can vote once per day at the Choose Your Legends: Round 4 official website.

Fire Emblem Heroes is available for iOS and Android. In case you missed it, the game recently launched its Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore collaboration. Check out the new Tap Battle songs.

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