Back in February 2014, Corecell Technology released AeternoBlade for the Nintendo 3DS. A Metroidvania-inspired game, players controlled a young woman named Freyja who is fortunate enough to wield the titular AeternoBlade. It has time-bending abilities that allow her to use mana to reverse time if she’s about to be killed by an enemy or make everything around her rewind. It did well enough to be ported to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in August 2015, and now it will get a sequel in 2016.
AeternoBlade 2 will once again star Freyja. She successfully saved the day in the first game, but the second will see her needing to bend time again with new AeternoBlade abilities. She’ll also be joined in her quest by a new character named Bernard. Bernard wields a lance and is a stoic knight.
Corecell Technology has only just begun work on AeternoBlade 2 and hopes to release it on the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita by the second quarter of 2016. The company says it also is looking into releasing the game on other platforms.
Published: Oct 27, 2015 12:30 pm