To celebrate their 20th anniversary in existence From Software is releasing limited edition box sets of Armored Core and King’s Field. Both box sets come in an actual box with a DVD fold out case and an anthology of titles. In the Armored Core box set you get four games (1 – Last Raven), a disc with DVD movies, a selection of the best songs in on CD and an art book. The King’s Field compilation is similar with a collection of the PS1 games and King’s Field 4 for the Playstation 2. Both box sets are pretty pricey they cost 10,290 yen ($88) a piece. Even if you’re not a fan of either of these series collections like these are great for fans. Imagine if Konami did this with Suikoden or if Ubisoft released a boxset like this with the Tom Clancy titles.
Published: Nov 16, 2006 10:11 am