Guilty Gear Xrd –Sign-‘s New Gunner Girl Is Full Of Love And Sweetness

This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

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Arc System Works showed off a first look at the Guilty Gear series’ first gunner character, and we now know that her name is romanized as “Elphelt”. Famitsu shows us more about the girl and her different combat styles.



Elphelt is a nice girl that loves nature and animals, and has the kind of personality that doesn’t let her ignore those that are sad around her. She’s always optimistic, and is always determined to solve any problem by putting in her best effort.


Speaking of effort, she’s been putting plenty of that into becoming what she considers a proper lady, but she seems to space out often. She also has a weak spot for love and romance.


As previously reported, Elphelt fights with two different styles—shotgun and rifle.


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Elphelt pulls out her rifle after entering a certain command. Once she’s in position to shoot, you can use the directional keys to aim and an attack button to shoot. She can’t move while taking aim, but can shoot from quite a distance.


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Similar to her rifle-style, the shotgun can be pulled out by inputting a certain command. Once in shotgun-style, Elphelt gets different movements that are suited for close-ranged combat.


Shotgun mode lets her do some devastating damage from close range to go with swift movements, so it’ll be a good choice to go with for cornering opponents.



After shooting with either her rifle or shotgun, she puts away her weapon, but you can enter a certain command as part of a reload action that lets her immediately bring out her gun again.


However, if you shoot immediately after getting into the aiming position, the damage won’t be as high and won’t pack as much of a punch against the opponent. By waiting a little after pulling it out with proper posture and aim, you can do more damage to go with a knock-down effect.


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Guilty Gear Xrd –Sign- will release later this year for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.

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