Palworld Petting Pal
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How to Catch Pals and Get Pal Spheres in Palworld

Palworld is a game that asks you catch and nurture an army of cute creatures named Pals, however the process of catching them in Pal Spheres isn’t as straightforward as it may seem.

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In order to catch Pals in Palworld, you need Pal Spheres. These are special devices that capture Pals and bring them over to your side. However, these items are not immediately easy to obtain. Your ability to catch different types is also affected by your level and what type of Sphere you use. Here are some tips to getting started with you Pal-catching journey.

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What do I need to catch Pals in Palworld?

As mentioned before, catch Pals in Palworld you need Pal Spheres. These are special devices that will be familiar to anyone who’s played Pokémon. They’re balls that you throw to capture Pals and turn them to your side. You will also need a Palbox. This allows you to store any Pals you catch, and helps you to build up your base.

You can make a Pal Sphere at a Primitive Workbench. It requires 3 Wood, 3 Stones, and a Paldium Fragment. These are some of the more basic resources you can find by mining and chopping down trees. I would advise crafting around 10 before heading out to catch some Pals.

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How do I catch Pals in Palworld?

Once you have your Pal Spheres, the process of catching Pals is fairly simple. You simply need to find some Pals wandering the world, then start attacking them. You can do this with anything, including your Pickaxe, Axe or even your own fists. Keep an eye on the creature’s health, and when it gets low, throw a Pal Sphere. The controls for this are usually mapped on screen with the full UI present.

Holding down the Pal Sphere button and keeping your target in your sights will show a capture percentage. While getting 100% is ideal here, it is possible to catch Pals at lower percentages. Pal Spheres will do three checks when capturing, and each check increases the percentage. I’ve personally had decent luck staying consistently around 60% or above.

Be careful when throwing a Pal Sphere, though. If you miss your throw, you lose the Sphere entirely.

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How do I catch higher level Pals?

You may notice that some Pals can feel impossible to catch early on in Palworld. Unfortunately, Pal Spheres are only the base level Sphere you can craft. As such, it only works well on low level Pals that don’t pose much of a threat.

In order to unlock better Spheres, you need to level up your tech tree and unlock the recipes with an appropriate number of points.

Here are all the different levels of Sphere you can unlock. As well, you can see the level your character needs to be, how many Technology Points are needed to unlock the recipe, what materials are needed and where the Sphere can be crafted.

  • Mega Sphere – level 14, 2 Tech Points, Sphere Workbench (1 Paldium Fragment, 1 Ingot, 5 Wood, 5 Stone)
  • Giga Sphere – level 20, 3 Tech Points, Sphere Workbench (2 Paldium Fragments, 2 Ingots, 7 Wood, 7 Stone)
  • Hyper Sphere – level 27, 3 Tech Points, Sphere Line Factory (3 Paldium Fragments, 3 Ingots, 10 Wood, 2 Cement)
  • Ultra Sphere – level 35, 4 Tech Points, Sphere Line Factory II (5 Paldium Fragments, 5 Refined Ingots, 2 Carbon Fiber, 3 Cement)
  • Legendary Sphere – level 44, 5 Tech Points, Sphere Line Factory II (10 Paldium Fragments, 5 Pal Metal Ingot, 3 Carbon Fiber, 5 Cement)

Palworld will be released on January 19, 2024 in Early Access for PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

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