The new next-gen patch for Fallout 4 brought with it a quest called “All Hallow’s Eve.” While it’s a short quest, there’s a puzzle that might stump players.

How do I complete “All Hallow’s Eve” in Fallout 4?
“All Hallow’s Eve” in Fallout 4 begins with a mysterious signal coming from your Pipboy. Listening to it should update your quest, although it didn’t for me. Either way, you need to head to Harbormaster Hotel on the far right of the map. It’s just a few steps south of The Shamrock Taphouse.
Once there, head inside. You’ll find a door to your left to the New England Technocrat Society. This is where the quest proper begins.
The first half of the quest is a survival section. Multiple feral ghouls will begin to attack you, and you’ll need to dispatch them. After this, a slightly tougher glowing ghoul boss named Mr. Wendt will show up. He needs to be put down. Oh, and also the entire time there’s gas in the air damaging you.
After defeating Mr. Wendt, a hallway opens at the back of the arena. In this hallway, you’ll find a body with a note explaining that you’ll need to solve a passcode in order to shut off the gas and escape. Don’t worry, we’re about to do just that.

There are four doors, each numbered, that have items you need to count behind them to get your passcode to escape. You’ll see specimen jars in the first room, skull candles in number two, teddy bears in room three, and the fourth features Jack-O’-Lanterns. Be careful though, as the rooms are booby trapped and you could take some damage when exploring.
Just add up the items in room order and it should bring you to your answer: 4 – 3 – 4 -6. Simply punch that in then you’re free to shut off the gas and escape the Halloween nightmare.
The free next-gen patch for Fallout 4 is now available for the Xbox Series X, PS5, and Windows PC.
Published: May 3, 2024 11:15 am