The release of Lego Fortnite’s massive new Star Wars-themed update brought with it a few new materials for players to use. One of the most important new materials is Durasteel. Players are able to gather or craft Durasteel in Lego Fortnite to make some of the best Star Wars items in the game.

How do I find Durasteel around the island in Lego Fortnite?
The first way to get Durasteel in this survival crafting game is to find it in the open world. It is possible to gather Durasteel in the wild, but it requires players to look inside of treasure chests. The only problem with this method is how random it can be. There is no guarantee you will be able to find Durasteel in every chest you locate.
This means one of the best ways I’ve found to find Durasteel in chests is to go inside of the Empire Bunkers. These new cave locations have tons of chests in them. In the first bunker alone that I explored, I found plenty of Durasteel inside of the chests here.

How do I craft Durasteel in Lego Fortnite?
The other way to get Durasteel in Lego Fortnite is to craft it yourself. To do this, you first need to get a Metal Smelter. To obtain a Metal Smelter, you need the following materials:
- 3 Blast Cores (also found in caves in the Dry Valley)
- 15 Brightcore (found in caves)
- 35 Obsidian Slabs (Obsidian is found in caves)
Once you have a Metal Smelter, all you need to make Durasteel is two Scrap Durasteel. You can get these items sometimes by defeating Stormtroopers. But the most reliable way is to destroy ship and other base structures at imperial camps and the like in Lego Fortnite. You can use Durasteel to make other items, such as the E-11 blaster and Bowcaster.
Lego Fortnite is available right now for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and mobile devices.
Published: May 3, 2024 02:45 pm