In Dragon’s Dogma 2, you need to know where to find DD2 Newt Liqueur to unlock the Warfarer Vocation. This guide will explain where you can find Newt Liqueur in Dragon’s Dogma 2 so you can complete The Sotted Sage quest.

Where to find DD2 Newt Liqueur – location guide
The DD2 Newt Liqueur item can be purchased at Higg’s Tavern Stand in Bakbattahl in Dragon’s Dogma 2. The hidden shop can be found north in the desert city and is tucked away in a corner in the Residential Ward.
You will need to do a few steps first before you can access the shop which we will break down in the section below. However, for your convenience, we have provided a map below that shows the exact location of Newt Liqueur in Dragon’s Dogma 2:

How to get DD2 Newt Liqueur
Finding Higg’s Tavern stand is only half the battle, as purchasing the rare spirit is pretty convoluted if you don’t know how. Specifically, you need to find a way to access the secret store’s second floor. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got you covered!!
Here are the steps you need to take to get Newt Liqueur in DD2:
- Purchase a Beastren Mask from Ibrahim’s Scrap Store in Rest Town.
- Travel to Bakbattahl and equip the Beastren Mask.
- Head to the Bakbattahl Residential Ward and walk to the location on the map above, which is Higg’s Tavern Stand.
- Look for the pile of Sandbags in front of Higg’s Tavern Stand.
- Pick up a sandbag with “R2” (PlayStation) or “RT” (Xbox).
- Carry the sandbag and place it inside the hay pen in front of Higg’s Tavern.
- After dropping the Sandbag on the pile of Hay, a cutscene will trigger, and an NPC will yell at you.
- You will automatically be taken to the second floor of Higg’s Tavern Stand, where you can now purchase 3 Newt Liqueur.

The first step may be tricky if you haven’t already obtained the Beastren Mask at this point in the game. The headgear can only be purchased from two sellers in the game. However, the quickest way to purchase the Beastren Mask in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is to visit Ibrahim’s Scrap Store in Rest Town.

The makeshift pawn shop is located behind the Inn and Vocation guild and can be found on your map as an icon that looks like a paper and quill. Simply walk up to the Scrap Store and purchase the Beastren Mask for 8,700 gold.

The second way to buy the Beastren Mask is to look for the wandering merchanted named Georg. The Beastren seller can usually be found near the entrance of Rest Town and Bakbattahl. However, I recommend just using the Scrap Store in Rest Town, as it’s a guaranteed location and doesn’t move around.

Once you have the Beastren Mask, equip it and head to Higg’s Tavern Stand in Bakbattahl. The store can be found in the Residental Ward north in the city. Once here, look for the pile of sandbags in front of the store.

Pick up one Sandbag with “R2” (PlayStation) or “RT” (Xbox) and carry the sandbag over to the hay pen next to it. Walk inside the fenced off pen, and drop the Sandbag on top of the hay pile. Yeah, for some reason this actually works. A cutscene will automatically be triggered and a Beastren NPC will yell at you.

You will now be taken to the secret second floor of Higg’s Tavern Stand, where an NPC will sell you Newt Liqueur. Unfortunately, they will only sell you three bottles of it. However, it is enough to complete the Sotted Sage quest.

How to get more Newt Liqueur
If you are short a bottle of Newt Liqueur or find yourself needing one more for the Sotted Sage quest, you are in luck. That is because you can also pick up a Newt Liqueur in the Windwalker’s House just outside of Drabnir’s Grotto. This is also the location where you unlock the Magick Archer Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

This location should be familiar, as you need to pass by this way to get the Sotted Sage quest. After exiting the Drabnir’s Grotto cave south of Bakbattahl, you will meet an injured dwarf named Gautstafr. Agree to help him and hand him three health plant items such as Greenwarish. This will trigger the quest “Put a Spring in Thy Step.”

To reward you, he will ask you to follow him back to his house. Once you arrive at the Windwalker’s Home, he will enter the cottage. Walk inside his home and look for the Newt Liqueuer bottle sitting on top of the table. You can take it without any consequences.

Now that you have enough Newt Liqueur, it’s time to return to the Volcanic Island Camp and speak to Lamond. For a deeper breakdown of how to complete the Sotted Sage quest, check out our How to Unlock Warfarer Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 guide.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is now available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Published: Apr 10, 2024 05:45 pm