Palium Ore is an essential crafting material for certain furniture and quest items. This guide explains how to get Palium Ore and what tools in Palia you’ll need to harvest this valuable material.

How to get Palium Ore in Palia
As of Patch 0.175, Singularity 6 has changed how players can get Palium Ore. Instead of specific nodes of Palium spawning in Bahari Bay, any node that generates Iron can respawn as one that will have Palium Ore. This means that you will want to run around Bahari Bay and mine any nodes you see (Iron or not) to help Palium spawn.
Iron only spawns in Bahari Bay, so you will need to head to that map, which is east of Kilima, in order to mine for Iron and Palium. Palium Ore is denoted by its blueish color and is semi-reflective. You’ll know when you see it since it looks nothing like Copper or Iron. Keep in mind that you will also need a Fine Pickaxe to mine Palium nodes. Your Standard Pickaxe won’t suffice.
You can craft a Fine Pickaxe by using the following materials:
- 1 Standard Axe
- 10 Heartwood Planks
- 5 Iron Bars
Keep in mind that your Tools can break. Make sure to take them to Sifuu’s Blacksmithing Forge and repair them with Repair Kits or with Gold every couple of runs, or you’ll have to make the tool over.

The reason for mining any node is that general Rock nodes have a chance to respawn as Iron nodes, which then have a chance to respawn as Palium nodes. Outside of getting chunks of Palium Ore, this is also a great way to make money. Rock, Iron, and Copper (which are found in Kilima) nodes have a chance to drop Starstones.
As of Patch 0.175, Starstones only serve a singular purpose: to sell them. You can make a decent chunk of change this way and makes farming for Palium feel productive in more ways than one. Thankfully, you only need a normal Forge to create Palium Bars, which can be used to create more intricate-looking furniture and some quest items.
Palia is available for PC. It will be released on Nintendo Switch on December 14, 2023.
Published: Dec 12, 2023 08:45 pm