Once the shared computer in Persona 3 Reload is fixed, Junpei will tell players it is possible to buy shady URLs from someone at Club Escapade in Paulownia Mall at night. Here’s how to get them and what they do.
How do I buy URLs in Persona 3 Reload?
First, you have to wait until you can use the shared computer in Persona 3 Reload and Junpei tells you about these URLs. The shared computer access opens up on April 29th, and I saw Junpei’s message on May 3rd.
From there, you need Ordinary level courage to access the club. Eating the Mysterious Burger at Wilduck and working at Chagall Cafe on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings helps with that.

Once you get inside the club, the vendor isn’t marked on the map in the way the accessories vendor is. Instead, look for a man with a “chat” icon over his head that shows you can speak to him at a table near the stage. He’s wearing a beanie and has a beard and mustache. This is the Informant.
On my first visit, he had two for sale. There was the Iwatodai Forum Note and the School X Site Note. Each of the initial ones costs 500 yen, though after August notes that cost 5,000 and 8,000 yen will appear.
What do the Persona 3 Reload Informant URL notes do?
Once you get these notes, you’ll need to spend an evening at the shared computer in Persona 3 Reload to use them. Select the one behind the desk in the first floor library, then choose the URL you want to use. The 500 yen ones tend to unlock something, while the more expensive ones unlock actual gameplay elements like the Ambush feature.

Here are examples of what they do. If no price is listed, it costs 500 yen:
- Iwatodai Forum Note: Drinks marked as sold out at the Iwatodai Station vending machine can still be purchased, which means new drinks are available.
- School x Site Note: Lukewarm Taiyaki will start being sold at the school store permanently. This can be chilled in the dorm fridge to get items and fulfill a request for Elizabeth.
- Revenge Site Note: Boosts courage. Shows up in July.
- Security Site Note: Unlocks ability to Ambush enemies in Tartarus while dashing. Shows up in August and costs 5,000 yen.
- Assassin Site Note: Ambush enhanced, inflicting Distress on enemies when you perform a back-attack. Costs 8,000 yen. Appears in September.
- History Website Note: Ambush enhanced, filling Theurgy gauge when an ambush happens. Costs 8,000 yen. Appears in September.
- Dating Site Note: Allows you to get two relationship points for any social link. Costs 3,000 yen and can be purchased multiple times. Appears in November.
- Veggie Blog Note: Makes the flower shop Rafflesia sell Golden Tomato Sprouts. Shows up in November.
- Believer’s Blog Note: Max SP increased by 5. Shows up in January.
Persona 3 Reload is available for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Published: Feb 2, 2024 03:35 am