How to Start Beekeeping in Fae Farm
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How to Start Beekeeping in Fae Farm

In Fae Farm, players have the ability to do something that isn’t always in ever farming simulator, you’ll engage in some beekeeping and using those bees to get honey. They’ll need a few things before they can begin, however. Once they’ve collected what they need, they can begin cultivating a hive that honeycomb can be harvested from. Honeycomb can then be used to produce honey.

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What will I need to start beekeeping in Fae Farm?

In order to start beekeeping in Fae Farm, you’re going to need to craft a Honey Hive. If you press the down button on your Nintendo Switch or begin outdoor construction on PC while standing in your yard, then press the down button again or open up the build catalog, you can navigate to the crafting tab with your L and R buttons. The Honey Hive is a craftable outdoor construction item in the third row. According to the requirements, you’re going to need ten stones, one oak log, and one queen bee. The stone and oak logs can be collected right in your backyard by pressing the A button on them on Nintendo Switch or interacting with them on PC. The correct tool for the job will automatically be equipped for you. Finding a queen bee will require a little more luck.

How to Start Beekeeping in Fae Farm

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Bees can be caught with your net across the overworld in Fae Farm. I haven’t seen any while it was raining before. Worker bees are more abundant than queen bees, so you’re going to need a little luck finding one. I found mine on the road up to speak with Jeremiah. Luckily, in order to cultivate honeycomb, worker bees are essential as well. So, keeping a collection of them while you search for a queen bee is recommended.

How can I get a honeycomb in Fae Farm and how do I make it into honey?

Once you’ve crafted the Honey Hive and placed it where you’re happy with it, interact with it on PC or press the A button on your Nintendo Switch near it to use it. A menu will open where you can place the worker bees you’ve collected. They will leave behind some honeycomb for you.

How to Start Beekeeping in Fae Farm

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Honeycomb can be sold at the market or used to produce honey. To produce honey, prepare your honeycomb using the Food Prep Table (a craftable construction item). Honey can be either sold, consumed, or used as an ingredient to create recipes in your Cooking Hearth (another craftable construction item). Honeycomb and Honey can also both be used to purchase items from Mel’s shop, like the honeycomb wallpaper and honeycomb flooring, or for various palettes for dye.

How to Start Beekeeping in Fae Farm

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Fae Farm is available on the Nintendo Switch and PC.

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