How to Unlock Chocobo Riding in Final Fantasy XVI
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How to Unlock Chocobo Riding Quest in Final Fantasy XVI

It’ll take quite some time before you can unlock the Chocobo riding quest in Final Fantasy XVI. It’s only after a timeskip, Clive establishing himself and you get to “The Gathering Storm” story quest that you get the opportunity to ride. Fortunately, the sidequest tied to it comes up right after a major story quest in The Imperial Province of Rosario, right outside Martha’s Rest inn. Once it appears, you can rather quickly complete “The White-Winged Wonder” quest in Final Fantasy XVI to unlock the ability to ride a Chocobo.

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FINAL FANTASY XVI © 2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

How to unlock Chocobo riding via the “The White-Winged Wonder” quest in Final Fantasy XVI

After speaking to Martha and completing the storyline’s “The Gathering Storm” mission, don’t head back to the hideaway. Leave the inn and walk to the bridge in front of it. The Traveling Trader Rowan will be waiting there. He’ll tell you about a flock of heroic Chocobo who rescue people from enemies that is in danger and is led by a bird named Whiteheart. Accept the quest from him.

Here are some screenshots showing exactly where Rowan is at Martha’s Rest.

You then want to head across the bridge, then south as though you are going to Crooked Nash’s Pier. A cinematic will play when you reach a designated spot, and Clive will find a white feather. He’ll remark it reminds him of Ambrosia, one he owned as a child. Continue south across the bridge, and another cutscene will play.

Basically, follow this path I’ve drawn here:

How to Unlock Chocobo Riding in Final Fantasy XVI

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Save the birds from the Chocobo Pouchers. They were at level 24 when I beat them, and there is a second wave of enemies in this fight. A level 24 Huntsman appears in the second round, and he’s a more substantial foe than the others. You get 48 EXP, 24 AP, 120 gil, 12 steelsilk, and 1 gil bug for beating them.

After a cutscene, you’ll get 250 EXP, Ambrosia’s Tack, and 60 sharp fang. The Chocobo riding feature will unlock, and you can then press and hold R3 in certain areas in Final Fantasy XVI to summon Clive’s Chocobo.

Final Fantasy XVI is available for the PlayStation 5. There is a six-month exclusivity period.

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