Because Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords is awesome and D3 Publisher was kind enough to provide copies to us, we are giving away ten copies of the DS game with the help of 4colorrebellion. Since Puzzle Quest has puzzles and quests were running a little Puzzle Quest of our own, except you’re not going to be matching up jewels. Each day this week we are going to post a clue about an upcoming Nintendo DS title. 4colorrebellion is going to have a different, but complimentary clue for the DS game of the day. (Protip: You’re probably going to need both clues to figure out the game!) Once you think you know what the answer is send an e-mail to [email protected] with Puzzle Quest Giveaway Day X (where X equals the puzzle) as the subject line. Every day two people who guess the correct game will be chosen as Puzzle Quest winners!
Want to get started? Then see the Puzzle Quest Giveaway Day 1 clue and the official rules past the break.
Today’s clue is….
Official rules:
One winner per household and this contest is limited to the United States ONLY. Please allow up to three weeks for delivery. Siliconera reserves all rights to make final decisions about the contest.
Published: Mar 26, 2007 10:25 am