Never mind the fact that Playstation 3s are sold out in Japan, Sony is running new commercials featuring future titles. The ads showcase Afrika (shown), Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII, Minna no Golf 5 (Hot Shots Golf 5) all of which don’t have upcoming release dates. There is one game that has a brief trailer in stores and to no surprise its’ Ridge Racer 7. On launch day Ridge Racer 7 sold over 30,000 copies and it was the top selling PS3 game. Showing actual clips from games is a good idea, but why games so far in the future? Why not showcase current games like Resistance: Fall of Man or Genji 2… well if they had to choose between Genji 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 the ad department made the right choice.
Ridge Racer 7
Minna no Golf 5
Metal Gear Solid 4
Final Fantasy XIII
Published: Nov 14, 2006 06:34 am