Karateka, a remake of a 1984 beat-em-up by Prince of Persia creator, Jordan Mechner, is headed to Xbox Live Arcade next week, the weekly XBLA update reveals. Karateka will be released on November 7th for 800 Microsoft Points ($10).
As previously reported, Karateka is also scheduled to be released on the PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U and iOS devices. You can find a first look at the game here.
Out this week on XBLA are new games Pool Nation and Pid for 800 MSP ($10) each. Joining them are the Nightmare in North Point zombie DLC for Sleeping Dogs ($7) and a season pass for Assassin’s Creed III ($30).
The deal of the week is on The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, discounts on which vary by region. Next week’s deal of the week will change to Guardian Heroes, which will be 50% off at 400 Microsoft Points ($).
Finally, the following Games on Demand were revealed this week:
Jillian Michael’s Fitness Adventure – October 30th
Asura’s Wrath – October 30th
Silent Hill: Downpour – October 30th
Devil May Cry HD Collection – November 6th
Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires – November 6th
Persona 4: Arena – November 6th
The full Xbox Live update for the week can be viewed at Major Nelson’s blog.
Published: Oct 31, 2012 10:30 am