A rhythm game that looks like a fighter? That’s what KickBeat for PlayStation Vita is—it looks like a fighting game, but it’s actually a beat-matching music game. It’s developed by Zen Studios, who you may recognize as the developers of the Zen Pinball and Marvel Pinball games. Take a look at a trailer for it below:
See the circling enemies? Zen say that their attacks are synched to the beat of the music. To defeat one of them, you have to press the button corresponding to their direction—for example, D-pad Right or Circle—just as they’re about to attack you. You can use the touch screen, too, and tap the area of the screen the enemy is attacking from.
KickBeat will be released on the Vita sometime this year. You can read more about the game and how it was conceived here.
Published: May 23, 2012 04:01 pm