Nobuyoshi “sanodg” Sano, of Detune, has begun a crowdfunding campaign on the Japanese site Campfire for KORG Gadget physical copies. Detune is seeking ¥462,500 to put the music creation software on Nintendo Switch cartridges by 11:59pm JST on October 20, 2019. As of 8:30am CT on September 5, 2019, over ¥200,000 had already been raised.
The digital and physical copies of KORG Gadget will be identical. However, Detune does not have plans to sell the physical copies outside of the Campfire campaign. The money from the campaign will be used to produce copies. The estimate is that, if successful, production of the cartridges would be finished by October 2019 and the people who backed the Campfire campaign to get a copy would receive their copies in November 2019. The ¥3,500 tier, which was 30% off the normal price, was sold out as of 8:30am CT, however, the ¥4,000, ¥4,500, and ¥5,000 tiers were still available.
KORG Gadget is available digitally for the Nintendo Switch worldwide.
Published: Sep 5, 2019 10:00 am