Nippon Ichi has a new Vita game slated for release on August 23. In Special Report Division, you play as Kaede, an investigative reporter who has to produce a TV news program that covers supernatural happenings.
Special Report Division has three phases. The first is where you collect information by talking to witnesses that experienced strange phenomena. Kaede can record conversations with a voice recorder and take pictures of the scene.
After you gather the facts, its up to the player to put the pieces together and crack the mystery. Sometimes you can find contradictions in statements by re-listening to your recordings or contrary evidence in photos. Is everything as it seems?
Then it’s time to go public with your findings. You help Kaede prepare a story for the TV show and the game’s story branches depending on what you reveal or choose not to reveal to the public. Special Report Division’s tale unfolds through illustrated scenes like the screenshots shared below.
Published: Jul 4, 2012 09:21 am