Meet Over My Dead Body 2’s Ventriloquist Villain And Mysterious Goddess

This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

So far, we know that your family’s bloodline in Over My Dead Body 2 are affected by a curse that causes them to die in two years, and they also can’t reproduce with other normal humans. Famitsu gives us a look at who’s behind the curse and the goddess that sacrificed herself to save the family.

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Abeno Seimei:

Abeno is actually the man who slaughtered the family and cursed their bloodline. Even the emperor himself confides in this man, who has the power of immortality. He’s also a ventriloquist, and uses his red “Onigashira” puppet to speak in a humorous tone. Due to Abeno’s cool personality and his rather crazy puppet, some may consider him to have a split-personality.


The goddess Nueko appeared out of nowhere to revive the family through the ceremony of soul recalling, which required her to sacrifice her own life in order to bring them back after being killed from the trap set by Abeno. It is said that she will also be joining you later on in the game.

Over My Dead Body 2 will be released this summer for PlayStation Vita.

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