Meet the protagonists of Lost Odyssey

This article is over 18 years old and may contain outdated information

So much attention has been directed towards Blue Dragon that it’s easy to put Mistwalker’s other RPG, Lost Odyssey aside. While Blue Dragon has a light hearted feel to it Lost Odyssey’s story is considerably darker. Magic has brought forth an industrial revolution in the world of Lost Odyssey. While the power brought blessings to the world, it also brought war.

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Kaim has lived 1,000 years in the war torn world. He is given the gift of eternal life and the curse of painful memories of battle.


Seth, like Kaim, has also lived for a 1,000 years. While Kaim’s past memories disturb him at times, Seth only wants to look forward and discover the reason for her immortality.


The game’s concept art comes from Christian Lorenz Scheurer who worked on the art of Final Fantasy IX. Although, Lost Odyssey doesn’t have the same happy feel of FFIX. Instead it looks more like Scheurer’s movie projects like the Fifth Element and Dark City. See some more Lost Odyssey art and screenshots past the break.







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