Dengeki PlayStation has another blowout on Trails of Nayuta and the magazine revealed who the mysterious girl Falcom first revealed when they announced the game. No, she’s not the main character either. You play as the young lad Nayuta who travels with Noi.
Kureha is the white-haired lass and she has been sleeping in a casket for a very long time. Nayuta meets her in the game, but Falcom doesn’t say what happens after their encounter.
The seasons change as you play through Trails of Nayuta and Noi, the fairy that follows you, has different spells depending on the season. Nayuta can combine attacks with Noi’s magic for greater damage. Players will be able to control the seasons at some point in the game. Switch from say spring to fall, may change the layout of the map, monsters you fight, items you find, and possibly the story branches.
Nayuta uses a sword to fight and he can learn new skills after you clear a stage. Players can input commands for different attacks like Spinning Swallow, a multi-hit attack on nearby enemies, and Kamaitachi, a strike that sends an enemy flying back. Nayuta can also increase his "knowledge" stat which ups the number of attacks he can do and his ability to evade.
Nayuta and Noi can team up for Gear Craft skills. Cooperative moves like Gear Buster let players break obstacles and Gear Drive has both characters spin so fast they can climb walls. (Ah, that’s how the two characters rolled up a ladder!)
Players will find ingredients while exploring the world. When you return home you can give the food to Arsa, a girl who watches over Nayuta as if she was his mother. She makes bento boxes players can take on the field, which can recover HP or increase the amount of experience you earn. The effect depends on the ingredients you bring to Arsa. If you find a recipe book Arsa can learn how to make special bento boxes.
Trails of Nayuta comes out for PSP on July 26. Falcom posted a scan of the article here.
Published: May 18, 2012 12:41 am