After seeing the screenshots from Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes I thought it was a localized version of Naruto: Narultimate Portable Mugenjo no Maki. Nope! To get the story straight for everyone I asked a Namco Bandai rep about it through a couple of e-mails and it really is a new game. In Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes you have a three on three fighting system (new!), hidden team skills, twenty characters to play as and wireless two player battles with game sharing. Compared to the Japanese PSP game Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is more action oriented while Mugenjo no Maki was more about the story. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is scheduled to come out late this summer and we’ll bring you more details on it in the future. Until then see some screenshots of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes past the break.
You might be wondering why the screenshots have the characters names in katakana when this is a US developed game. Here’s the explanation straight from Namco Bandai, “The reason why is because the game is being developed in Japan by a Japanese developer. The game/screens are a work in progress and will be localized when it is released.”
Published: Apr 11, 2007 01:09 pm