Final Fantasy XIV Tales from the Twilight Kan-E-Senna

New Final Fantasy XIV ‘Tales from the Twilight’ Story Stars Kan-E-Senna

Square Enix has published the latest “Tales from the Twilight” Final Fantasy XIV short story, with this one focusing on Kan-E-Senna. Similar to the previous “Tales from the Twilight” stories, this one delves into events prior to A Realm Reborn. This Final Fantasy XIV short story focuses on Kane-E-Seena and her position as the Elder Seedseer of Gridania.

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Unlike the previous short stories, this doesn’t contain any massive spoilers related to events transpiring in the main scenario quests of any particular expansion. Instead, it is more or less a one shot. It provides a look into one of the less elaborated on major characters within the universe of Final Fantasy XIV. The story is immediately available to read in English and Japanese through the official Lodestone website.

Square Enix has released a total of four Final Fantasy XIV short stories as part of the “Tales of the Twilight” series. Each one features a major character that appears through the main scenario quests. A majority of these short stories focus on past events and elaborate on formative moments in these character’s lives. As it stands, short stories about Hien, Yugiri, Fordola, Yda, and Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn have been released.

Final Fantasy XIV is immediately available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker will release on November 23, 2021. Those who have pre-ordered the expansion will have access on November 19, 2021.

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