On Wednesday, September 5 SNK’s Fatal Fury Special is hitting Xbox Live Arcade for a reasonable 400 Microsoft Points ($5). Fatal Fury Special has been updated to fit high definition TVs and it includes online play. You’ve been practicing with Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Vol. 1 right? Also coming out on September 5th is Cyberball 2072 from Midway where you control robots on a football field.
For Labor Day weekend Microsoft is making a few games 50% cheaper. The sale begins on 12:00AM GMT on Sunday, September 2nd (5:00 PM PST Saturday) and ends on 11:59 PM GMT Monday, September 3rd (4:59 PM PST).
Dropping from 800 Microsoft Points to 400 Microsoft Points ($10 to $5):
Small Arms
Zuma Deluxe
Dropping from 400 Microsoft Points to 200 Microsoft Points ($5 to $2.50):
Dig Dug
Published: Aug 30, 2007 10:45 am