So, I played Wakerai no Heya Tsuzuki, one of the student developed games from last year's Nintendo Games Seminar care of the Minna no Nintendo channel. My first impression was it isn’t scary at all. Even with headphones on Wakerai no Heya Tsuzuki is far from the bone chilling game I thought it would be. This is not a Chunsoft horror novel or Silent Hill 4: The Room DS. This doesn’t mean Wakerai no Heya Tsuzuki is bad, it’s just different from what I imagined. Wakerai no Heya Tsuzuki is pretty entertaining and intuitive.
The game is broken down into days where the room changes settings after you complete a puzzle. I’m guessing few people will ever play Wakerai no Heya Tsuzuki so I’m going to break down the first day and divulge the solution. Obviously, this post will have spoilers, but I think revealing one solution will give you an idea of what the game is really about.
This is the title screen for Wakerai no Heya Tsuzuki you’re supposed to hold the DS in book form to play it. Text scrolls on the left screen while all action takes place on the touch screen.
The story begins with a girl peeking into an apartment. She knocks on the door before entering…
The room looks pretty plain. There is nothing unusual about sandwich on a desk and a newspaper on the floor. Oh, it’s November 1st according to the paper. Time to start poking around the room, literally. I grabbed all of the food from the desk. What’s that? A cat meowing? I better check it out.
When you go outside the door has a cool animation where it looks like you’re flipping pages from a book. The door flips from the left screen to the right and a lone cat is sitting outside. It starts clawing at the door. I guess it wants to go inside. Sure, why not?
The cat is just sitting here. Maybe I should feed it? When you click on the arrow on the bottom right hand corner a menu comes up with the items you are holding. These can be dragged on the screen to “use” them. However, you cannot pour milk in the saucer directly. You have to put the saucer down in front of the cat first. Then pour the milk and continue feeding the feline until you are out of items.
Great. The cat is still sitting here. What should I do? Pixel hunt? What about the phone that hasn’t been used yet. Ah! Someone is talking to me and leaves a clue about knocking on the door five times. Let’s step outside and give it a go.
Knock. Knock. Knock. You can hear door knocking sounds as you tap the door. After tapping the door five times I turned the handle by dragging it down to open the door. Suddenly, the scene changes to someone drawing manga. He is distracted by a phone ringing. In frustration he throws something into the trash. Time to investigate by tapping the trash can. Ooh… batteries.
No time to use them now. A shadowy creature keeps popping up behind a stack of papers. If you happen to move objects around the room while it’s looking the shadow blob reverts the room back to when you first stepped in. Think of this like a game of red light, green light.
Now to make use of the batteries. An object is sparkling in the bottom left hand corner. I can’t pick it up so the next best thing is to use the batteries on it.
That worked and I got the object! It’s an air conditioner remote control. Let me try using that by dragging it on the air conditioner above the artist.
Wind blows out of the air con revealing the poster on the bottom right hand corner can be pulled down. Now to drag it off. This is probably the only point you need to be “fast.” If you’re slow the shadowy creature will erase your progress. Ah there is a plug behind the poster. What if I plug the fan in?
The activated fan blows away the stack of papers shielding the shadowy creature. It disappears and I’m free to explore the room. What should I do now? After hearing the creator was OK the solution is actually to disturb him by tapping on a black line. This reactivates the phone and it starts ringing.
All of the sudden you’re transported back to the original room, but with a new item, the air conditioner remote. Day one completed. The next day begins with similar door knocking and eventually you're taken into an insect laboratory…
Photo credit Spencer/Siliconera.
Published: Apr 16, 2008 03:56 pm