In an interview with Famitsu, Kingdom Hearts series Director Tetsuya Nomura shared a few more details about Kingdom Hearts 4. He stated that the team will be prioritizing development on Kingdom Hearts 4 and that no new information beyond this interview will release anytime soon. That said, Nomura did reveal a bit of new information concerning several key characters, the Lost Masters, and the staff of Kingdom Hearts 4. [Thanks, ryokutya2089!] Nomura reveals that the footage in the Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer was made in Unreal Engine 4. However, the game is being developed using Unreal Engine 5. He mentions that future footage will potentially include how Kingdom Hearts 4 will look on Unreal Engine 5. Regarding staff working on Kingdom Hearts 4, Tetsuya Nomura will be joined by Oka Masaru (Kingdom Hearts III) and Akiko Ishibashi (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII). Nomura also revealed that the Lost Masters will appear as a group similar to Organization XIII. This means that they will be working in opposition to Sora. Additionally, he spoke briefly about another character in Kingdom Hearts 4: a girl who apparently knows about Quadratum. While much about her is a mystery, Nomura hints that she is a character from Verum Rex. Nomura also touched on previously established characters and revealed that the 5 Masters, with the exception of Luxu, have disappeared. It is unclear if they will appear in Kingdom Hearts 4 in any capacity. Kingdom Hearts 4 is in development.
No New Kingdom Hearts 4 Information to Release Anytime Soon
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Published: Apr 27, 2022 07:00 am