New badges have been added to the Nintendo Badge Arcade. The newly available designs are based on Fire Emblem Fates, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems’ new strategic RPG. When someone visits the app, the sales rabbit will talk about the game, as well as offer a personality quiz to see which character you’d best match up with. (I was matched with Takumi.) Once that’s done, he’ll offer you one free play on a machine.
There are eight Fire Emblem Fates grabbers total in the Nintendo Badge Arcade today. That works out to 53 badges total. Each one is a portrait of one of the first generation characters in the game. The character sprite badges are not yet available.
The Nintendo Badge Arcade update does not include the most recent Fire Emblem if badges released in the Japanese version of the application. Recently, face and sprite badges of the offspring characters were made available in catchers. No word on when they’ll appear in other regions.
Fire Emblem Fates will be released on the Nintendo 3DS on February 19, 2016. The Nintendo Badge Arcade is immediately available to download from the Nintendo eShop.
Published: Feb 18, 2016 10:30 am