Cyberpunk horror game Observer takes players to a bleak future of cybernetic implants, disease, and war, tasking them with searching the memories and thoughts of dangerous criminals in search of thought evidence of their crimes.
As Dan Lazarski, an aging neural detective with a distant son, players will follow trails of evidence using several types of implanted scanners, shifting their eyesight to see traces of physical or technological clues that will help them through a world of people twisted by their bionic implants and pacified by drugs and distorted programming.
Players will also be able to hack their way into the minds of criminals using their implants, creating living worlds out of the fears and desires of dangerous people. There, players must seek out proof of their actions, but will find the shattered minds of these men and women to be a dangerous, unsettling place, offering up unsettling imagery and frightening moments.
Obeserver’s frightening scenes and frightening look at a broken future are available now on Steam, PS4, and Xbox One.
Published: Aug 19, 2017 09:00 am