Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Ramanas Park Available After Patch

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Ramanas Park Available After Patch

There’s an additional feature available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl called Ramanas Park. After someone beats the Elite Four and enters the Hall of Fame, they can access the area. However, people getting a physical, rather than digital, copy will need to download the 1.1.0 update to access Ramanas Park and other online features like Grand Underground and Mystery Gift.

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Editor’s Note: The following paragraph and video will contain endgame spoilers for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl showing off Ramanas Park.

The Ramanas Park area in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl will give people a place to go to catch Legendaries. If you find slates in Sinnoh, you can use them to trigger encounters. Only certain characters appear in certain games. For example, the announcement confirmed Pokemon Red, Blue, Green and Yellow’s Legendary bird trio of Arcticuno, Zapdos, and Moltres will only be in Pokemon Shining Pearl. Meanwhile, the three Legendary beasts Raikou, Entei, and Suicune from Gold, Silver and Crystal only appear in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. Ho-oh is in Diamond, while Lugia is in Peral.

Here’s the Ramanas Park video.

In addition, there are certain Mythical Pokemon you get for having other games. If you have save data from Pokemon Sword or Shield, you get Jirachi in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. If you have Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Eevee!, you get Mew.

As for the patch, according to Nintendo’s European support site, 1.1.0 will appear on November 11, 2021. It is a 3GB download. In addition to Ramanas Park, the ending cutscene, and other events, it adds online functions. One such element is Mystery Gift, which lets you enter codes to redeem certain Pokemon. It is also how you will get access to Super Contest Show competitions, the Grand Underground where you can customize things, and Union Rooms where you can socialize with other players.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl will come to the Nintendo Switch on November 19, 2021.

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