power rangers battle for the grid chun-li ranger

See Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid’s Chun-Li Ranger in Action

People finally have a chance to see Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid’s new DLC character fight. nWay released a new trailer showing off Power Rangers’ Chun-Li Ranger. The video begins with the Ryu Ranger facing Lord Zedd. However, Blue Phoenix Ranger drops in to assist Crimson Hawk Ranger.

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After she drops in, we get to see Chun-Li Ranger’s introductory action in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. We then also get to see how her Street Fighter moves will be preserved and adapted to this fighting game.

At the halfway point, we get to see Chun-Li’s other look. Like Ryu, she has an Angel Grove Class of 93 skin. Her Mighty Morphin Power Rangers sort of skin gives her a skirt that looks like one a cheerleader would wear. She also has a matching button-up blue and yellow shirt.

Here’s the Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Chun-Li Ranger trailer.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid is available for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia. The Super Edition and Street Fighter Rangers DLC will appear on May 25, 2021. The characters can be bought alone for $5.99 each or in a $12.50 bundle.

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