Cygames announced that Shadowverse is getting an update on February 26 that adds main story chapters for Arisa, Erika, and Luna, as well as various new features and adjustments to some cards.
Here’s what we got from the official blog:
– Chapters 9 to 11 added to the main story for Arisa, Erika, and Luna
– A new button to confirm your deck before entering battle
– Create all missing cards when creating a deck using a deck code from Shadowverse Portal
– A new Contact Us feature, Comment/Report, for players to share their thoughts on Shadowverse and report misconduct
– Elite 2 difficulty setting added to Practice mode for all leaders as well as a new achievement for completion
– In-game notifications sent 5, 30, and 60 minutes before the game undergoes maintenance
– A message window in the upper-right displaying your opponent’s class when redrawing cards
– Changes to the Device Link feature
Instead of link codes, user IDs and passwords will now be used for device linking. To set a link password, tap More on the Home screen followed by Device Link. Link passwords are case-sensitive and must be 8 to 16 characters long including any numbers. They can be changed any number of times. Please be aware link codes issued prior to the update will not be usable afterwards.
– Changes to the ability mechanics of some cards
- The mechanics of the silver Runecraft card Piercing Rune and the bronze Neutral card Goblin Mage will be changed.
- The cost of Piercing Rune will be changed to 2 if an allied follower evolves.
- Goblin Mage will put a random follower that costs 2 play points or less from your deck into your hand.
- Due to the above changes, these cards will temporarily yield more vials when liquefied. The silver Neutral card Fortunehunter Feena will also yield additional vials due to its connection with Goblin Mage, but Fortunehunter Feena’s mechanics will not be changed.
- For a limited time, Piercing Rune and Fortunehunter Feena will yield 200 vials for a normal or animated card when liquefied. Goblin Mage will yield 50 when liquefied.
Shadowverse is available on iPhone, Android, PC, and Mac.
Published: Feb 21, 2017 01:30 am