Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection launches today in the West and Capcom put together a lunch trailer to commemorate the occasion, and we also got a look at new gameplay footage.
First, here’s the launch trailer:
Hadoken your way through gaming history with Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, available today for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC. This collection of 12 arcade-perfect Street Fighter games encapsulates a walk down memory lane with the video game phenomenon that impacted arcade culture, established the fighting game genre, and paved the way for esport events such as Capcom Pro Tour.
The next one is from Game Informer with 20 minutes of gameplay footage and it takes us through three of the twelve Street Fighter titles available in the 30th Anniversary Collection:
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection launches today in North America and Europe PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It’ll release later in Japan in order to address fan demand.
Published: May 29, 2018 07:00 am