Street Fighter X Tekken assistant producer, Tomoaki Ayano, has written a new blog post for Capcom’s community site, proviiding a few more details on the game’s gem system. Gems are divided primarily into two categories, Ayano says: Boost Gems and Assist Gems. The difference between the two is that Boost Gems power up your character, whereas Assist Gems are meant to assist the player himself.
Ayano also introduces one of the gems in the game. The Divine Speed Gem falls under the Boost category. This gem speeds up your character. Here’s Zangief with the Divine Speed Gem activated:
Something Ayano points out with regard to the Divine Speed Gem is that it only increases your character’s movement speed, not necessarily the speed of your normal or special attacks. The effects of the gem last up to 15 seconds at most. This ensures that you won’t be able to create infinite combos just because you have the Divine Speed Gem activated.
Published: Dec 13, 2011 02:00 pm