Super Robot Wars T’s Asia Version With English Subs Releases March 20, 2019

This article is over 6 years old and may contain outdated information

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Bandai Namco announced that the Asia version of Super Robot Wars T that includes English subtitles, will release on the same day as the Japanese version, March 20, 2019.


Check out its latest trailer with English subs:


We also got some information on the early purchase bonuses:



Here are details on the three early purchase Day-1 retail bonuses:

Bonus 1】 Special Scenario ‘Chapter 0: Proposal No. T1023’

Immerse yourself in the world by playing ‘Chapter 0: Proposal No. T1023,’ the prequel to Chapter 1 of the Super Robot Wars T main story! Clearing it awards:

  • 50,000 funds
  • 500 TacP (Tactical Points)
  • Power Part VTX Employee Guidelines (Max SP +20; main pilot recovers 10 SP each turn)


Bonus 2 Present Scenario ‘Special Starter Pack’

A Present Scenario to acquire useful Power Parts and funds in early-game!

Clearing it awards:

  • 100,000 funds
  • 1,000 TacP (Tactical Points)
  • Power Parts Quark Boost (Movement +1; weapon damage +200; Range +1 for all non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons) and Force Reactor (Morale +10 when sortied)


Bonus 3 Special Original Mech ‘Gespenst’ from early game

Redeem the code before Chapter 2 of the Super Robot Wars T main story to play a special scenario featuring the Gespenst and acquire useful Power Parts early-game!

Clearing it awards:

  • Power Parts Striker-T (weapon damage +100; HIT +20; Critical +20) and Defender-T (Max HP +500; Max EN +50; Armor +100; Mobility +15)


Super Robot Wars T releases in Japan on March 20, 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. It’ll release in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia) on March 20, 2019 as well.

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